Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School violence

When talking and hearing about school violence it brings you back to the days when the columbine shooting and the massacre at Virginia Tech happened. They were two terrible events that could of been prevented by people treating others as if they actually cared about there feelings, and if bullying was stoped.

But to this day there is still violence spreading throughout the schools and people need to do something about it before another tradgic event happens.

We can prevent violence by:

  • If not already your school can start a violence awarness week informing you on the dangers of violence and what it can lead to

  • If you are bullied you should talk to someone so then you can try and fix the situation

  • You can start a peer mentoring program at your school were you can go to get advice on any situation were your being bullied or you see someone else being bullied

  • Be a good person and if you see someone being bullied help them out, or if there alone go talk to them make the person feel good.

we just really need to prevent another tradgic event from happening so we need to take action now.