Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School violence

When talking and hearing about school violence it brings you back to the days when the columbine shooting and the massacre at Virginia Tech happened. They were two terrible events that could of been prevented by people treating others as if they actually cared about there feelings, and if bullying was stoped.

But to this day there is still violence spreading throughout the schools and people need to do something about it before another tradgic event happens.

We can prevent violence by:

  • If not already your school can start a violence awarness week informing you on the dangers of violence and what it can lead to

  • If you are bullied you should talk to someone so then you can try and fix the situation

  • You can start a peer mentoring program at your school were you can go to get advice on any situation were your being bullied or you see someone else being bullied

  • Be a good person and if you see someone being bullied help them out, or if there alone go talk to them make the person feel good.

we just really need to prevent another tradgic event from happening so we need to take action now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I felt really bad for the people who die in the columbine shooting. but why would the people do such things? i hate people who bullies other people to make them look cooler.

  3. Maybe people have a reason for this. Maybe they don't just do this to be cool. They could have personal problems. Still, it makes you wonder why don't they just get help?

  4. I agree with VolleyballChick on this one. In my unprofessional opinion, bullies are individuals who feed off of other peoples' fears. In order to make themselves feel good, they bring people down to their level of self confidence and self esteem. They clearly have a problem, but getting help might mark them as physically or mentally weak, and in school, it's all about competition. There's competition for grades, sports, even relationships between certain people. I also find that future or current bullies may or may not have been bullied themselves. So they see bullying people as a way of vengence, a way to gain revenge on those who have wronged them. I'm sure that if you did a little research online, you'd be able to find some sort of help line, a phone number or an email address or website that allows users to get help from being bullied, or being the bully themselves.

  5. We definatly need to stop school violence!

  6. OK, Not to be a hard heart, but this is the truth:

    We are never going to stop violence. It is human nature to fight and try to prove ourselves top dog. We can say we want world peace, but it's never going to happen. We can try to stop violence, but we will fail every time. There will always be fights and Always have " bullies" as we call them. peace is just a worthless dream that will never come true. It's the way life is, kill or be killed, strong attack the weak, hunter and hunted. Humans are animals too, you can't call people Bullies only because they are embracing the true animal inside them.

    We will always have war, always have fights, always get hurt. It's the way life is, the way nature intended it to be. Get used to it!

  7. Are school is taking precautions (Rachel’s Challenge) but some of the more commend violent school districts are not. To me they are the ones that really need help.

  8. I don't think school administrators pay much attention to the reality of how cruel kids really are to each other. It's heart breaking that people can treat others like this on a daily basis but I don't think its necessary even " bullies " just the harsh reality of our own kind.

  9. i believe everyone in this comment board has a strong opinion but i agree that the voilence cannot be avoided. there is not really anyway to stop it unless every kid is home schooled kids with have differences of opinions on everything like me and riccardo he says soccer is fun i say soccer is a waste of a sport and we fight

  10. good blog!
    anyway, there are things that we can argue about (or fight like mago says), like if soccer is better than football (and it is!) of if a movie is better than another; but with things like violence of george w bush, there`s nothing to argue about: they are wrong!!!


  12. see riccardo knows football is better

  13. of which riccardo are talking about mago???

  14. D8 OH NO! They're even fighting on blog pages about fighting!

  15. I agree with you, i think violence in school can be avoided.

  16. i stongly agree with this blog. there is a huge problem with vilence in schools and we need tio take action! good job on the blog!

  17. violence in school is hard to avoid. in my opinion, if you have something worth fighting over, go ahead.

  18. I agree, if people treated people with respect then there wouldn't be as much or if any school violence.

  19. i agree. violence in school may be avoided.
    bullies need to be stopped

  20. Violence in school is the worst thing than could happen to a student. It basically ruins their life in the future and you are right it can be avoided.

  21. I agree, people should try their hardest to stop and care about what others think. This would cause there to be no such thing as bullying and everyone would have higher spirits. The tragic events that happened were just the, tragic, and I'm sure no one wants them to repeat.

  22. I agree if your just geerally nice to people than you wouldn't have to deal with school violence. It would make schools a lot more enjoyable. I don't understand why people can't be nice, why some people have to be mean. But thats just the ways some people are and maybe we are never going to be able to change it.
